
ASCLA West Communicators’ Meet


Bengaluru: The ASCLA West Communicators' Meeting took place from 7-9 September 2024, at the Provincial Curia Bengaluru, bringing together 12 representatives from six Major Organisms. Fr. Jose Enrique from the General Communication Team set the tone by sharing an overview of communication efforts within the congregation. Participants engaged in fruitful discussions, sharing best practices from their respective provinces and delegations. Each Major Organism highlighted successful communication strategies, demonstrating how these initiatives have strengthened outreach and community engagement.

Fr. Jose’s presentation on the congregational panorama of communication provided valuable insights into global trends and challenges. In addition to sharing case studies, the meeting included self-evaluations and group discussions. These sessions helped the participants envision both short-term and long-term communication goals for their respective organisms and for the ASCLA West. A key aspect of the gathering was fostering collaboration and mutual understanding among the communicators. One of the highlights of the meeting was an afternoon visit to the Redemptorist Media Centre in Bengaluru, where participants gained new perspectives on media engagement and evangelization. The meeting concluded with a sense of accomplishment, as participants left with enhanced communication strategies, stronger connections, and a clearer vision for the future. The gathering was a resounding success, promoting both personal relationships and professional growth in communication ministry.

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