Bengaluru: Province of Bangalore continues its efforts along the synodal path of the Church and congregational journey of being rooted in Christ and audacious in mission. The province conducted three different assemblies in a month at different geographical regions of its ministerial presence. The first of these assemblies, for Karnataka-Kerala and Goa region, was held on 30-31 July 2024 at Claret Nivas Carmelaram. This being the largest region with fifteen communities, 50 members, including the provincial government, participated in it.
The first assembly began with a session by Fr. Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF to update on the recently held Spirituality Congress. It helped the participants to recollect the charismatic and spiritual roots of the congregation, culminating in moments of Adoration. Rest of the sessions were spent in updating about the communities and ministries in the region and evaluating and planning for the path ahead.
The second assembly, for Andhra Telangana region, was held at Guntur on 06-07 August 2024. Most of the members from the region were able to participate in it. Fr. K. T. Jose, SDB helped the participants with an introductory talk on the expectations of mission in today’s context. Provincial Superior briefed the members on the recently concluded Spirituality Congress and its implications for our life ahead. Rest of the time was spent in fruitful discussions, evaluation and planning.
The third and final assembly was held on 20-21 August 2024 at Barwadih for the North region. This assembly was graced by the Bishop of Daltonganj, Most Rev. Theodore Mascarenhas, SFX.
Bishop engaged the participants in an interactive session on the shepherding role of Priesthood. Here too Provincial Superior briefed the members on the recently concluded Spirituality Congress and its implications for the life of the province ahead. Then the members engaged in discussions and evaluation of the life of missionaries in the region. During the period, members also found time to visit Ledgain campus, where the newly built Teachers’ Quarters was inaugurated and foundation stone was blessed for the new wing for the hostel.
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