
Jubilee Renewal and Celebration


Bengaluru: Province of Bangalore hosted a Renewal Seminar for the Jubilarians of ASCLA West Conference from 25 to 27 May 2024 at Provincial Curia Bengaluru.


17 priests, seven from province of Bangalore, four from province of Chennai, five from delegation of Kolkata and one from province of Northeast India participated in the renewal seminar; the participants included those celebrating the Golden Jubilee of their Religious Profession, and those celebrating Silver Jubilee of Sacerdotal ordination and Religious life.


The three day seminar consisted of sharing of life’s journey, which helped the jubilarians to recall the joy and faithfulness of their vocation, Claretian fraternal communion and the fulfillment of ministerial priesthood. Fr. George Kulangara, CMI helped the jubilarians to reflect on Priestly Leadership through Mission Spirituality, while Fr. Benny Koottanal, MSFS inspired the participants through reflection on Holistic Maturity. Dr. Merin Thomas engaged in an interactive session with the jubilarians to understand the expectations of laity from priests.


The group also enjoyed an evening with Claretian Community at Jalahalli. The jubilarians cherished the joy of Claretian fraternity and renewing of the missionary commitment through this coming together.

On 28 May, Province of Bangalore felicitated its jubilarians in Solemn Eucharistic celebration and agape which graced by the presence of a good number of Claretian fraternity.


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