Confirming the Roots – Intensive Preparations for Professions
Bengaluru: Province of Bangalore is hosting two groups of Claretian Students for the intensive preparations to confirm their vocational journeys at the respective stages.
At ASCLA West level, 19 candidates for Perpetual Professions have come together at Novitiate House Carmelaram for 25 days, 01-25 May 2023, of intensive preparation under the guidance of Fr. Lawrence V.
Claretian Seminary Malleswaram is hosting 25 Postulants of the major organisms of India to prepare themselves to enter Novitiate on 30 May 2023. Our different missionaries are guiding them through the prefecture of formation of Province of Bangalore.
Fidelity and Perseverance in Consecrated Life
Bengaluru: Institute of Consecrated Life – Sanyasa (ICLS), reaches out to different parts of India through seminars, engaging communities in theological reflection on fidelity and perseverance in consecrated life.
Institute of Consecrated Life – Sanyasa (ICLS), since its very beginnings, has organized annual seminars on consecrated life at the institute premises. This year, ICLS began a new venture of organizing additional regional seminars at various locations in India to help consecrated men and women in the peripheries to engage in deeper theological reflection on consecrated life. Accordingly, three regional seminars were conducted this year. The first such seminar was held at Karukutty in Kerala on February 18, 2023. Recently, two more such seminars were held at Ranchi and Kolkata on April 22 and 23 respectively. The seminars were organized in collaboration with the Claretians of the delegation of Kolkata and the local units of the Conference of Religious of India (CRI).
The theme of both the seminars was “Fidelity and Perseverance in Consecrated Life: A Gift and a Challenge,” based on the 2020 document from DICLSAL, The Gift of Fidelity, the Joy of Perseverance, applying its insights to the regional contexts of India.
The seminars consisted of three input sessions, each of which focused on each part of the document. In the first session, Fr. Arul Jesu Robin, director of ICLS, analyzed the struggles and challenges in fidelity and perseverance. In the second, Fr. Paulson Veliyannoor, asst. director of ICLS, focused on how to nurture fidelity and perseverance. The third session, on the canonical matters related to departures from consecrated life was dealt with by Fr. Irudayaraj, a canonist of the archdiocese of Kolkata. The sessions were followed by a panel discussion and Q&A session. The seminars were hosted at Claret Vidyaniketan minor seminary at Ranchi and Claret Nivas major seminary at Barrackpore.
The Institute,Sanyasa, offers an academic program for deepening the understanding of the consecrated form of life in the Church especially in the light of the Scripture, Magisterium, tradition and various theological interpretations with the scope of reviving and empowering the consecrated persons.
THE HARVEST OF LABOUR ICL – SANYASA Celebrates 21st Convocation
Bengaluru: On 29 March 2023, the Institute of Consecrated Life – Sanyasa (ICLS), Bengaluru, held its 21st Convocation Ceremony, presided over by its president, Rev. Fr. Sabu Koottarappallil, the Provincial Superior of the Claretian province of Bangalore. The celebration was attended by the graduating students, professors, Claretians from neighbouring communities, a host of other religious and guests.
The Convocation marked an academic year packed with various long- and short- term courses at the service of consecrated men and women. Two students graduated with the licentiate course whereas 11 students received diplomas in theology of consecrated life. 29 young religious who had attended a three-month long intensive preparation for perpetual profession received their certification too.
Besides these, ICLS also hosted a variety of other short courses such as Formative Accompaniment: Theory and Practicum (FATP) and specialized and targeted retreats. A total of 111 students passed through the campus during this academic year; of which 91 were religious sisters, 09 religious brothers, 10 religious priests and 01 diocesan deacon. In all, 46 religious congregations were represented in the academic programs of ICL-Sanyasa this year. The two 100-hr online weekend courses on Theology of Consecrated Life and on Bible Study were highly sought after courses of ICLS. In all, 270 religious from 42 congregations benefitted from these courses.
During his message, Fr. Sabu George, the president, appreciated the Institute for its creative and relevant initiatives at the service of the consecrated life and exhorted the students to live God’s dream for humanity with passion and expertise.
Starting Afresh with the Blessings of the Lord
Barwadih, Jharkhand, India: The community of Catholic Ashram Barwadih inaugurated and blessed its new residence on 05 March 2023. Rev. Fr. Sabu Koottarappallil, the Provincial Superior declared open and Most Rev. Theodore Mascarenhas, the Apostolic Administrator of the diocese of Daltonganj, blessed the new house in the presence of a large gathering of the faithful.
Claretians of the province of Bangalore have been working in Barwadih mission for over 26 years. All these years the missionaries remained and worked through very humble dwelling, feeling one with the people. Though many a times need was felt for better facilities for the missionaries, priority was given for the infrastructure needed for the apostolic activities like parish church, school, hostel, dispensary, etc.
On 05 March 2023 their long cherished dream of a proper house came true. After the blessing of the new house, Bishop Theodore Mascarenhas presided the solemn Sunday Eucharist. In his felicitation, Bishop Theodore applauded and explained how the Claretians through their services in the diocese, especially at Barwadih and Barikhajuri missions, make difference in the lives of the people. Through this community the Claretians carry out a varieties of ministries in care of the local people. Today the community has a well-developed parish with its substations; there is a steadily growing English Medium School, besides the local language schools in the villages. The English medium school also has good hostel facilities. Over the years, the community has developed one of the best healthcare centres of the area, which provides affordable and quick services. The community engages in a host of other social activities aimed at welfare of the people.
Refreshed and Energized – Renewal for Priests
Bengaluru, India: Committed to the Ongoing Formation of its members, Province of Bangalore organized a Renewal Programme for the priests who are in their 10th to 15th year of priesthood; 19 priests made use of the renewal held at Provincial Curia from 28 February to 02 March 2023.
The focus of the renewal was on Pastoral Spirituality, animated by Fr. Vincent Arokiadas, a priest of the archdiocese of Hyderabad. Fr. Vincent elaborated the priestly spirituality through the expectations of ideal and the reality of actual priesthood and spirituality.
Fr. Xavier Pereira, the prefect of formation, guided the participants in understanding the Claretian ongoing formation and its need in the daily lives of missionaries challenged by the modern times and expectations of the apostolate. Provincial Superior, Fr. Sabu George, help the participants to review the image of Claretian Missionary. The participants also had the opportunity to interact virtually with Superior General, Rev. Fr. Mathew Vattamattam, who helped them to be connected and rooted in the Lord and the missionary vocation. Two of the participants also shared in detail their experience of specific ongoing formation; Fr. Chinnanna about his studies in family apostolate and Fr. Ravikumar about the Forge programme.
Participants spent quality time during the encounter recalling and sharing their personal and communitarian vocational and apostolic journey.
It was time of being deeply rooted and connected to Claretian vocation and to be energized in order to be audacious in mission.
Inspiring Young Minds to Build the Church – Regional Youth Meet
Doddaballapura, Bengaluru: Claretians of Province of Bangalore organised a regional youth get-together at St. Peter’s Church Doddaballapura on Sunday 19 February 2023. There were 64 youth from seven different parishes of the deanery who benefited from the opportunity.
The day began with the celebration of the holy Eucharist together with the parish community. After the Mass, Rev. Fr. Sabu George, the Provincial Superior, inaugurated the event in the presence Fr. Jaipaul Thumma, the Prefect of Youth and Vocation Ministry.
In his inaugural address, Fr. Provincial underlined the importance of Communion, Participation and Mission by the youth in their parishes.
The day’s activities were guided by different resource persons. Rev. Fr. Dominic Sequeira inspired the youth on orientations of life; Fr. Jaipaul, address the youth on the importance of right selection and decision to succeed in life; he also shared the examples from Claretian mission and ministries. Frs. Joseph Thoompanal, Claretian regional youth coordinator, Anthony D’Souza, the Parish Priest, Sebastian T., Mario Zalki, Valentine Anthony Raj, and Lourduswamy also joined the event to inspire the youth and to motivate them.
The event received appreciation from the youth as well as their parishes for the opportunity and the efforts taken to give proper direction and orientation to the youngsters.
Promoting Cordimarian Spirituality
Nallajerla, Eluru: To help the parishioners to grow in Marian devotion and Marian spirituality, Infant Jesus Church Nallajerla organized a seminar for the Legion of Mary members of the parish on 03 February 2023. The seminar was attended by 85 members from different units of the parish.
Fr. Ch. Rajkumar from Visakhapatnam diocese animated the seminar and guided the participants on various aspects of Marian Devotion. Some of the themes focused during the seminar were, importance of Marian Devotion, purpose of Legion of Mary, daily living of Marian spirituality by the members, the responsibilities of the members, their role in the parish development, how to conduct the Mariadalm meeting etc. There were also some practical sessions on the organization of the Mariadalam meetings. During the session it was also decided to make the Maiadalam more active in the villages and to elect the office bearers for better organization and participation.
St. Claret School at Nallajerla was fortunate to get a new Mineral Water Plant through the project of Guntur Diocese. On 04 February 2023 His Excellency Most Rev. Chinnabathini Bhagaiah, Bishop of Guntur, inaugurated the plant. The progamme coordinator Fr. U Kiran and Regional coordinator of Caritas Fr. K. Kiran were also present on the occasion.
Forever Yours: Fidelity and Perseverance in Consecrated Life
Bengaluru: To mark the celebration of the Consecrated Life, a National Seminar on “Forever Yours: Fidelity and Perseverance in Consecrated Life” based on the document The Gift of Fidelity and the Joy of Perseverance was organised by SNYASA Institute for Consecrated Life at Carmelaram, Bengaluru on 28-29 January 2023.
Fr. Gonzalo Fernandez Sanz CMF, the Former Vicar General of Claretian Missionaries, was the Chief Guest for the celebration. The first plenary session on “Liquid Fidelity in a Fragmented World: A Reality Check” was delivered by Sr. Prabina Rudum IBVM, professor at Vidhyajothi College of Theology, Delhi. The speaker highlighted on liquid fidelity in this modern era and its impacts for fidelity and perseverance in consecrated life.
The second plenary session on “Honouring the Forever: Cultivating Fidelity and Perseverance” was delivered by Fr. Gonzalo Fernandez Sanz who emphasised on being faithful forever and underscored the ways to be faithful and to persevere in the light of the document Lumen Fidei. This was followed by Poster-presentation on various themes.
To conclude the day there was sharing of the Best Practices in Consecrated Life. Sr. Marina of Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of Good Shepherd shared the best practices of working in the field as daily coolies during the pre-novitiate period; Fr. Paulson Veliyannoor CMF, the best practice of conducting the General Chapter based on SAND (Synodal, Appreciative, Narrative and Discerning) Method and Novice Anjana of John the Baptist Congregation, the best practice of recalling the vocation story once a month.
The second day of the National Seminar started with a prayer dance. The third plenary session on “to Stay or Not to Stay: Discernment and Accompaniment” was presented by Sr. Anna Mary Thumma, SCCG, the Professor at National Vocation Service Centre, Pune. The fourth plenary session was delivered by Fr. Varghese Koluthura CMI, Professor at Dharmaram Vidhya Kshetra, Bengaluru on “Letting Go and Letting Be: Canonical Regulations in Departures. During the Case Clinic Session, three cases were presented and analysed by Fr. Varghese Koluthara, CMI together with the participants.
The afternoon session began with a prayer dance and was followed by the panel discussion, moderated by Fr. Michael Plamparambil CMF, the Secretary and Dean of Studies of ICLS. The National Seminar came to an end with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist presided by Fr. Gonzalo Fernandez Sanz, CMF.
Nagpur: On the Republic Day of India, 26 January 2023, St. Claret School Butibori organised Bharat Dharshan (Social Science Exhibition) depicting the culture, tradition, culinary and artefacts of the country.
The aim of the exhibition was to celebrate the diversity of India and to spread the message of unity and integration. It was the fruit of the hard work and creativity of the students and the staff.
The programme received an overwhelming response from the parents and local people. They appreciated the management, staff and children for putting up an incredible show of cultures of India.
The Bharat Dharshan paved a platform for the students to exhibit their talents and became a means to educate all.
Thousands of parents, students and guests witnessed the extravagant exhibition. It was an incredible and first of its kind exhibition being presented in the area.
"Aspiring youth discover their calling at Vocation Orientation Programme in Bangalore"
Bangalore, India: On January 26th, 2023, the province of Bangalore organized a one-day Vocation Orientation Programme at Claretian Seminary Bengaluru. The program was attended by 90 aspiring youth from Claretian parishes Jalahalli and Dasarahalli, with the goal of helping them discover their vocation to religious life.
Fr. Sabu George, Provincial Superior, inaugurated the sessions by encouraging the youth to focus on their life and discern properly in carrying out the mission of Christ in the style of St. Anthony Mary Claret, the founder of the congrigation.
Throughout the day, special motivational talks on vocation, choices, discernment, and the Claretian Congregation were given by Frs. Joseph Thoompanal, Tomy Urumbumkuzhiyil, Jessin Kocheril, Justin Kuzhivelil, and Jaipaul Thumma. Sisters from the Congregation of Daughters of Sacred Heart of Jesus were also present to motivate the youth.
Claretian Seminary students also organized captivating action songs and group dynamics to help the youth during the camp. The program was a success, and it helped the youth to have a better understanding of their vocation and to make a good discernment.
The event was a great opportunity for the youth to explore the religious life and to be guided in their discernment to respond to the call of God. The Province of Bangalore continues to support and encourage young people to discover their vocation and to live it with joy and generosity.
Priestly Ordination of Male Jojappa
Kurnool: Deacon Male Jojappa, CMF was ordained priest on 09 January 2023 by Most Rev. M. D. Prakasam, Bishop of Nellore, at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Sunkeswari in the diocese of Kurnool, the native parish of Jojappa. It was a unique and joyful celebration not only for the family of Jojappa but for the whole village, as most of the people joined in preparing and celebrating the solemn event.
Priestly Ordination of Bala John
Hyderabad: Deacon Veligandla Bala John, CMF was ordained priest on 30 December 2022 by Cardinal Poola Anthony, Archbishop of Hyderabad, at Infant Jesus Shrine Emjala in the archdiocese of Hyderabad. Along with the family and relations of Bala John many Claretians, other clergy and religious joined the celebration.
Benedict XVI: ‘Humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord'
The 95-year-old Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI passed away on Saturday, 31 December 2022, at 9:34 AM in his residence at the Vatican's Mater Ecclesiae Monastery.
We thank God for the person of Pope Benedict XVI and pray that he enjoy eternal peace in the Kingdom of God.
Igniting the Young Minds
Barikhajuri, Jharkhand: A Claretian Regional Youth Meet in North India was organized at Barikhajuri mission under the banner of Prefecture of Youth and Vocation Ministry by the Province of Bangalore. It was jointly organised by Barwadih and Barikhajuri missions on 10 December 2022. Over 500 young people from Claretian Parishes and Schools of Barikhajuri and Barwadih along with students from Bargarh participated in the event.
Fr. Jaipaul Thumma, the Prefect of Youth and Vocation Ministry in the province was the chief guest for the programme.
Reconstructing the story of the Titanic ship, he spoke on the need for the young people to be prompt in picking up signals from God. He exhorted the youth to be grateful to the parents and take care of them. Fr. George Mattathil spoke on the reasons behind organizing such a meeting in the season of Advent, which encourages and deepens our faith in God and hope for better future. Fr. Deonis Kujur, the regional youth coordinator, along with other Claretians and parish youth leaders, helped in planning and organising the event. The activities of the day also included a Bible Quiz, Carol Singing and Dance Competition.
Animation of the Leaders – Province of Bangalore
Bengaluru: The Local Superiors and Delegate Superiors of all the houses and residences of the Province of Bangalore came together for an annual meeting under the guidance of the provincial government. The meeting was held from 19 to 22 November 2022 at Claret Nivas Carmelaram.
The meeting discussed and evaluated the life and mission of the province; various aspects of the administration of the province was also discussed. Important themes in the life of province, like Living our Vocation in the Communities, Initial and Ongoing Formation, Education Ministry, Administration of the Parishes, Social Ministries in the Province, Projects through Mission Procurer, Ministry through the Institute of Consecrated Life (Sanyasa), Implementation of XXVI General Chapter Recommendations, Protocol in the Care of Minors, etc.
There were also special moments during the meeting. Fr. Mathew Vattamattam, Superior General, addressed the members through online conference and updated on the journey of the congregation after the XXVI General Chapter and helped the Superiors to understand the process of Discernment in the role animation. Fr. Pedro Belderrain, the General Prefect of Apostolate, was on visit to the Province of Bangalore. On the final day of the meeting Fr. Pedro presided the Eucharist and had a session on Synodality and Shared Mission in the congregation.
The meeting was a time of revitalizing the members and the ministries of the province through the animating role of the superiors.
Spiritual Enrichment in Province of Bangalore
Bengaluru: As part of ongoing formation and spiritual renewal of the members, Province of Bangalore conducted spiritual retreat for its members from 14 to 18 November 2022 at Claret Nivas Bengaluru. 27 priests made use of this opportunity to spiritually enrich themselves. The Novice Master of province of Bangalore, Fr. Michael Mariadoss guided the retreat with on Inner Journey based on Claretian Themes.
Andhra Telangana Regional Youth Fest - 2022
Guntur, India: Claretian Missionaries of the Province of Bangalore organised a two days Regional (Telangana & Andhra Pradesh) Youth Fest on 3 and 4 October 2022 at Christ the Redeemer Church, Bhattiprolu. The theme for the event was “Mary rose and went with haste” (Lk.1:39). Fr. Jaipaul Thumma, Prefect of Youth and Vocation Ministry and Fr. Tappeta Martin, Regional Youth Coordinator were the chief organisers along with other Claretians. A total of 327 youth from the nine regional Claretian parishes participated in the event.
The inaugural session commenced with a prayer service – prayer dance, Bible reading and lighting of the lamp. Eucharistic Adoration, celebration of Holy Mass and Rosary devotion nourished the youth spiritually each day.
Among the guiding session, Fr. Thumma Jaipaul gave the Key Note Address. Mr. Sagar Gabbeta, Advisor of CCBI Youth Commission gave talks on ICYM-Parish Youth Leadership and Challenges Faced by Christian Youth. Sr. Sudha SOM dealt on use and influence of Social Media and Belief System and Happiness. The other interactive sessions included group dynamic, cultural programme by the youth, Bible Quiz, etc.
CLARET COLLEGE is Awarded A+ Grade by NAAC
Bengaluru: The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), (the government agency that assesses and accredits higher education institutions in India) has awarded St. Claret College (SCC), Bengaluru, an A+ rating (NAAC) with a CGPA of 3.31 on 4. As part of the accreditation process, the NAAC Peer Team consisting of three experts visited the SCC campus on September 2 and 3, 2022 and assessed the quality of education and the processes involved. A+ grade is a significant improvement for SCC from the previous grade of B obtained in 2014. Over the past seven years, SCC has been working on every parameter assessed by NAAC and significant improvements have been made in every area. As per the data available on NAAC website, from April 2019, as per the revised accreditation framework, out of the 857 colleges accredited by NAAC, only 4 have A++ grade and only 28 have A+ grade. Principal, Rev. Dr. Thomas Thennadiyil expressed gratitude and appreciation to the Management, faculty, staff, students, parents, alumni and all the stakeholders for their tireless efforts and contributions towards this achievement.
THOMA CUP 2022 - St. Thomas Forane Church – Jalahalli
St. Thomas Forane Church – Jalahalli: In commemoration of the 1950th Jubilee of the holy martyrdom of Apostle St Thomas, St. Thomas Forane Church, Jalahalli in association with STARS Pithruvedi initiated a new sporting event - "THOMA CUP: Interparish Volleyball Tournament."
The initiative provides a healthy platform for various units of the diocese to come together and nurture a good bonding amongst the members. During this inaugural year, on 28 August 2022, a total of 12 teams participated from the diocese. Rev. Fr. Sunny Matthew CMF, the Forane Vicar, inaugurated the event. The competition itself was intense and spirited keeping the purpose of the tournament. The winner of Thoma Cup 2022 is St Thomas Forane Church, Jalahalli. The First Runner-up is St Joseph Church TC Palaya and the Second Runner-up is St Velankanni Matha Church, Muthanallur. Rev. Fr. Thomas Thennadiyil CMF awarded all the winners with the respective trophies and prizes. The whole event was organized by the members of STARS Pithruvedhi of Jalahalli Forane Church under the leadership of its President, Shri. Thamby Alappat and Executive Team. The Parish appreciates and congratulates all the organisers and participants for this meaningful event which makes the parish more vibrant.
Earlier during the month, 47 Students from the parish church attended the Angels Meet 2022 that was held in Christ School (ICSE). The event was organised by Commission for Bible and Catechetics of the Diocese of Mandya. Teachers Mrs Hena Jose and Mrs Rosy Theresia accompanied the students for the Angels Meet.
That They May See Better
Tenali, Guntur: Celebrating the International Youth Day, on 12 August 2022, the Youth wing of Red Cross Society and L V Prasad Eye Institute organised an Eye Screening Camp at the Mukti Tribal Residential School, Tenali.
For the young students of the Mukti School, it was a blessing. Through this opportunity the School was able to identify those wards who need special care and attention. Six of the students were identified for further eye check-up and treatment; two of them would need immediate medical intervention to improve the eyesight.
Mukti, Society for Tribal Integration is ever grateful to Dr L V Prasad and his team and the Youth wing team of Red Cross headed by Mr Johnny. The society thanks Mrs Bhanumati, the Chairperson of the Red Cross Society, Tenali for organising a free Eye Camp for the students on the occasion of the International Youth Day. This indeed was not just an even but celebration of love and care.
Renewed to be Rooted and Audacious
Bengaluru: As part our Spiritual growth and nurishment, Province of Bangalore organised the second Annual Retreat for the members. The retreat started on 31 July and concluded on 05 August 2022 at Claret Nivas Carmelaram. This time there were 53 priests who participated in the retreat animated by Rev. Fr. Benny Koottanal MSFS.
Health is Wealth
MUKTI, Tenali: On Friday, 29 July 2022 MUKTI Residential School for Tribal Children had the joy of receiving the gift of a new Mineral Water Plant. It was made possible through the generosity of Young Group of Mission Ruah. Most Rev. Chinnabattini Bhagyaiah, the Bishop of Guntur blessed and inaugurated the new facility.
The need for the RO Mineral Water at Mukti Tribal Residential School, was felt and generously accepted by the initiative and support of Rev. Fr. Vunnam Kiran Kumar, who is an International Corona Warrior Award winner and Dr. Kanapala Joseph, the Vice-Principal of Andhra Christian College, Guntur.
This new facility, RO Mineral Water Plant, is of great help in providing clean and healthy drinking water to the poor children of Mukti School, of the Yanadi Tribal community. On the occasion, the School children put up a short programme to express their gratitude to the generous donors, the Young Group of Mission Ruah. We Claretians thank our collaborators in the mission.
Common Novitiate Programme 2022-2023
BENGALURU: 25th June 2022 was a remarkable day; it was the solemnity of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the inauguration of common novitiate programme. All the novices from different novitiates gathered along with their formators at Claret Bhavan chapel. Rev. Fr. Sabu Koottarappallil CMF, the provincial superior, presided the Eucharistic celebration and encouraged the novices and the formators to have a fruitful year of formation. Around 57 novices and 14 formators participated in this joyful event. To begin with, the novices had a group dynamic session animated by Bro. George Xavier FSP. The formators also had a planning session.
Claretian Vocation Day – Professions and Renewals
Bengaluru: 31st May 2022, Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Claretian Vocation Day, was indeed a joyous day for all the Claretians in India. On this day all the Major Organisms in India have their Professions and Renewals; so some celebrate their Jubilees too.
Province of Bangalore had the special privilege of having the presence of Rev. Fr. Joseph Mbungu-Mutu, the General Prefect of Formation, who presided at the celebrations of Entry to Novitiate, First Profession and Renewal of Professions. On 30th May nine Postulants from different Major Organisms of India entered Novitiate at Claret Bhavan Carmelaram.
At the same venue, the next day four Novices of the Province of Bangalore made their First Profession and thirteen students renewed their vows (eleven from Bangalore and two from St. Thomas).
Indeed it was a renewed enthusiasm as for the past two years, due to the pandemic, such celebrations were not possible. Many Claretian conferrers, neighbouring priests and religious, well-wishers and families of those making their first profession were part of the solemn celebration.
IGNITING THE FIRE ANEW Young Priests’ Encounter
Bengaluru: As part of the Ongoing Formation, Province of Bangalore organized a Renewal Encounter for its young priests ordained between 2014 and 2020. The renewal programme took place at Provincial Curia from 11th to 13th May 2022. There were 14 young Claretians who took part in the renewal encounter. The main purpose of this coming together was to renew and refresh the young members engaged in different ministries in various mission centres of the province. The three day encounter consisted in sharing the joy of missionary life and some sessions of refresher inputs. Fr. Anil D’Sa, SDB helped the young Claretians to equip with enhanced methods of ministry with the youth. Fr. James Kannanthanam, CMF guided the group to understand the prudence needed in ministry with minors and vulnerable adults. Fr. Sebastian Theruvanmoola, CMF shared the modern ways of family ministry in the apostolate. The young priests were also able to spend half a day in Sumanahalli Campus visiting the persons affected with leprosy and HIV and understanding the concept of shared and collaborative ministry in apostolate. Provincial Superior, Fr. Sabu Koottarappallil, inspired the young Claretians in understanding the missionary vocation and community living.
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