ASCLA West Youth Coordinators' Encounter
The Youth Coordinators of the different Provinces and Delegations under the Association of Claretians in Asia (ASCLA) West Conference gathered at the Provincial House of Bangalore in Malleswaram, Bengaluru, India, for the ASCLA West Youth Ministry Coordinators' Encounter from Monday, 30th of January to Sunday, 5th of February.
Brother Carlos Verga, General Prefect of Youth Ministry and Vocation, who called for this encounter and main resource person, spoke on various themes like youth ministry and pastoral vocations from a congregational perspective, the challenges of youth ministry and pastoral vocations, the objectives and criteria of our Youth Ministry and the vocations for the congregation. Likewise, other resource persons were also invited during the Encounter. Fr. Regi SDB in his session spoke on how to be a youth animator and goals and principles of youth ministry. Fr. Divya Paul, the Bangalore diocese youth director presented a paper on CHALLENGES AND DYNAMICS OF YOUTH MINISTRY. The presentation included how to animate our youth in our parishes and institutions in the changing scenario of globalization, technology and changing values.
The encounter had been a platform for the participants to know each other and to plan out future programmes in the respective Organisms. The participants were enriched by the sharing by different youth animators and decided to actively participate in the youth ministry of the congregation to make this mission more vibrant and dynamic. The focus of the encounter was centered on the theme “YOUTH MINISTRY IN THE JESUS WAY”.
World Disability Day Celebration
On December 3, 2016 Snehajyothi, Centre for the physically challenged, celebrated its 15th Annual Day and the World Disability Day. The day was marked by an awareness walk across the streets of Athani with slogans of equality and opportunity and not to treat the disabled as cursed or burden in the society. On that day the students of Snehajyothi presented various cultural programs which were well appreciated by the guests and inmates alike. Shri. Amareshwara Maharaja, a well-known swami of Athani, Mr. Mahaveer Padnad, congress leader, Mr. Dange, who donated uniform to all our students and Dr. Kumbar, Health Department Athani, were the main guests present on the day. On the previous day of the celebration, on we had organized annual sports day for the students and prizes were distributed to the winners.
World AIDS Day Programme
Sumanahalli has been working since 1977 for the Welfare and rehabilitation of persons affected by Leprosy, HIV/AIDS and Person with Disabilities; and since last 8 years we are working for HIV/AIDS destitute by providing residential care for 25 patients and also through various awareness and training programme in villages, schools and colleges.
As part of “Continuing Nursing Programme” Sumanahalli Society, in collaboration with Shri Lakshmi College of Nursing, organised half-day seminar on the eve of World AIDS Day Programme on the 1 December 2016 at Shri Lakshmi College of Nursing Auditorium, Magadi Road, Bengaluru. It was followed by Silent March from Shri Lakshmi College to Sumanahalli, SUPPORT (Community Care centre) and concluded with taking of pledge along with inmates. There were 1210 nursing students from 10 different nursing colleges who participated in the programme. The Rtd. Deputy DGP Mr, Ponnappa, Founder of Sri Lakshmi Educational Group, Fr. Lindo Francis CMF, Director of Sumanahalli Society, Fr. Thomas Thanniyanickal CMF, Director of SUPPORT HIV Centre, Mrs. Bhagyalakshmi, Principal of Shri Lakshmi College of Nursing, Mr. Michael Babu Raj, Deputy Director of K H P T were the dignitaries of the day.
Christ the King Feast
One of the most important celebrations in Chodavaram parish is the annual feast of the solemnity of Christ the King. After the intense preparation through Holy Rosary, the reflection on the different aspects of Christ the King, Triduum and Holy Eucharist, on 17 November 2016 we celebrated the parish feast in the presence of a large gathering of faithful from in and around our parish. The celebration proper began with procession of the image of Christ the King. His grace Mallavarapu Prakash, the archbishop of Visakhapatnam, presided at the solemn Holy Eucharist. The presence and prayers of Rev. Fr. Peter D’Souza, the vice provincial, was a great blessing and a moment of fatherly encouragement. The participation of 23 priests from our Claretians communities and from the archdiocese, a good number of women religious from neighboring communities and the faithful brought showers of blessings for the parish. The felicitation of the guests, cultural programmes by the parishioners, followed by fellowship meal for all added more solemnity to the feast.
Ministries of Lector and Acolyte
On 17 November 2016, eight of our 2nd year theology students made their first step in participating in the ministerial priesthood in the Catholic Church. During the Holy Eucharistic celebration Rev. Fr. Jacob Arakkal John, the Provincial Superior, conferred the orders of Lector and Acolyte on Birajman Tigga, Chetan Kumar, Jayaraju Oddepogu, Jessin Joseph, Kevin Prem, Nelson P. Thomas, Siljo Michael and Tony Mathew. Father Provincial expressed his sentiments of joy and hope, seeing eight young missionaries readying themselves for God’s work, and thanked them for the gift of their commitment in the Claretian Congregation. He urged them to strive to live more fully their missionary vocation and to be moulded more perfectly in the likeness of Jesus the Master and our founder, Father Claret.
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